生产水泥电线杆是在一定转速(产生足够的离心力,使水泥料形成中间空的电线杆)的钢模中用蒸汽养护而成。钢模是两个半模合成的,以便加料与流水槽模具 u型槽模具 电缆槽模具 隔离墩钢模具 护坡砖模具 钢制闸门 螺杆式启闭机 卷扬式启闭机取出成品。因此在成形之前需要对电线杆钢筋骨架(钢筋笼)的制作与符合比例要求的水泥料浆(水泥+石子+砂+水)的混合搅拌,因此其生产制作原理是简单的,但需要一定的吊运设备、场地及一定的机械设备。
The production of cement wire rod is cured by steam in a steel mould at a
certain speed (producing enough centrifugal force to form hollow wire
rod of cement material). Steel moulds are made of two half moulds for
feeding and removing finished products. Therefore, before forming, it is
necessary to mix the production of wire rod reinforced cage with cement
slurry (cement + stone + sand + water) which meets the proportionality
requirements. Therefore, the production principle is simple, but it
needs certain lifting equipment, site and certain mechanical equipment.